Thursday, August 11, 2011

AGHC on the Road and Antique Cars

Saturday the American Gothic House Center made the trek to West Branch, Iowa to have a booth at Hoover’s Hometown Days. Though a bit warm, the weather was much better than it had been, which made for a great turnout at the festival!

My volunteer Ashlee, and myself, spoke to nearly 400 festival goers, most of who had not been to visit the American Gothic House Center. Visitors to the booth could get their picture taken in the face cutout and we also passed out flyers and coloring sheets to those who stopped by. We also had a board with pictures of people who have had their picture taken in front of the house so future visitors could get ideas for their visits! A “coloring station” was also set up where young visitors could stop and take a break to do some coloring!

Tomorrow the Cedar Rapids Antique Car Club will be touring the American Gothic House Center. Cars should begin arriving around 9:30 am, so be sure to stop by and visit the center and see some cool cars at the same time!

Holly Berg

American Gothic House Center

The American Gothic House Center strives to become financially independent through gift shop revenue, sponsorships, and by establishing an endowment fund. Funds raised in this campaign will be used to match the Iowa Cultural Trust Endowment Challenge Grant and will become endowment funds to support the Center's annual operations. As a subscriber to the weekly newsletter, you have already shown support for the American Gothic House Center. I invite you to strengthen your role in the valuable experience we provide the community by making a contribution to our fund drive. Click here to give your tax deductible gift, or head to our website for more information. Thank you to all who have donated so far!


  1. This post looks exciting and fabulous. I enjoyed reading your cool blog. Thank you and keep sharing fantastic post.

    Charles A

  2. So what kind of antique cars were they? It is quite cool to see restored vintages. The older ones are amazing to remain functional after decades of existence.

  3. Tari,

    I'm trying to remember what all types of cars there were. Mostly some great 60's (and some 70's) cars. In the coming months I believe we have another car club coming. When I have more information I will post it!
